Silicon Valley Exoscience Applications Conference

Who’s Speaking

Our approach focuses on comparing data and insights from multiple disciplines normally kept apart, in the search for the truth.

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Richard Dolan

Historian and SSP expert

Terrence Deacon

Anthropology and Evolution

Kevin Day

Witness, USA

Rizwan Virk

Entrepreneur Futurist

Mike McCulloch

Electric drive propulsion and free energy

Nick Pope

Broadcaster Journalist

Doris Taylor

Scientist, Entrepreneur , creating human organs in vitro

Zaheer Ali

Entrepreneur and Investor new space ventures

Mark Sokol

Entrepreneur Antigravity

Tony Rodriguez

Witness, USA

Chris O'Connor

Witness, USA

David Alzofon

Antigravity propulsion Acting as conference advisor

Lucian Ionescu

Gravity Control and Quantum physics

Al Kenany

Space Nuclear Scientist and Material Science Entrepreneur

Mark Dansie

Free energy investigations and cutting edge alternative energy techs

Dan Willis

Secret Space Program Researcher and Military Witness

Michael Schratt

Military Aerospace Historian

Jeremy Rys

Military Aerospace Technologies

Darcy Weir

Documentary Filmmaker

We believe that exploring uncharted territory will ultimately pay off for the Greater Good.

We believe that in the face of adversity lies an excellent opportunity for growth.


Get ready for a deep exploration into recent Exoscience and Exo-technology findings in seven engaging sessions that break down science you cannot find anywhere else.

How Exoscience began and why it is real

The science and technology of extreme speed transportation

The secret materials for Levitation, Zero Point Energy and Space Colonization.

Failures and hopes in Exo Energy: Quantum Inertia may take you to the Moon

Exomedicine and ExoBiology: Living forever or living much longer: Here are tangible examples

Debates on how and when to introduce Exo-Technologies to the broader society.

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We believe that human ingenuity can’t be confined or restrained…..

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    20 Presentations
  • 22 hours Videos
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How we are different

How We see Their Strength

How We are Different

Ted Talks
One Speaker Illustrates one subject. There is a tendency to become a Self Promoting activity
We combine multiple speakers and attempt to answer hard questions around a specific subject
Gaia TV
They have some content around exoscience but mostly focus on content produced through testimony.
While we have some of the Testimonies we provide more hard core scientific content to make the public understand that there is a realistic scientific foundation to Exoscience and ExoTech.
Master Class
Their classes are focused on self development or learning something you are curious about.
We are less than a course where you need to make an effort and more of an entertainment
Disclosure Project​
They focus on rising awareness around Exoscience with the goal to force the government to release the information in its possession.
We focus on raising awareness around the need for humanity to invest in Exoscience and facilitate Exoprenuers regardless of any government policy.
History Channel
They are usually focused on the historical evidence of Exo phenomena and they typically are trying to answer the question : Is this Exophenomena True?
While part of our content also focus on the question: Is Exoscience legit? Are there evidence for it? We are mostly focused on making the bridge between accounts of witnesses and the science and technology of a variety of phenomena. Our goal is to inform you about the real possibilities of what can be done instead of focusing on whether some statement can be proven or not.
There is admittedly a ton of material on UAPs on Youtube lot of which is focused on answering the question : can it be true? What is it?
We are gathering many experts in one single sequel to offer you the opportunity to look at these very intriguing topics from various perspectives. Our combination of science, entrepreneurship, historian and researchers of classified projects makes our experience at the same time entertaining and a learning opportunity

We believe the wisdom of the crowd far surpasses the knowledge of the pundits.

Now is the right time to take the plunge in Exoscience

In the last 70 years, countless government and military officials have told us in various ways that Exoscience is real, and it is already here. Shortly after each statement, another branch of the government or someone else in the same branch usually rectifies, trivializes, or ridicules the very same statement.

This was as true for Roswell as for some of today’s UAPs Congress hearings.

In front of complex information to digest, government bodies take the approach of sweetening or trivializing the existence of a more complex and articulated reality in cast for the Greater Good.

As  the progeny of the Illuminati in the eighteenth century, we  believe that the wisdom  of the crawd far surpasses the knowledge of the pundits

In our time, the need for sustainable sources of energy, more efficient utilization of resources, production of food at scale, and progress in medicine are fundamental to the survival of the human race.

This is why we, as humans, have to explore new and uncharted territories in the cast to reach our next level and this is why now is the right time to start talking about Exoscience.

In any new endeavor, we never get it right 100% the first time, but that is no reason for not starting.

As with any new thing, this conference may eventually morph and evolve into something more perfect, but here is a great chance to feed your brain with new ideas and thoughts that will position you at the forefront of understanding game-changing concepts.


While in this sector it is difficult to provide for each case a structured scientific verification of statements and findings, we believe that the cumulative body of circumstantial evidence and reports makes the veracity of some of the most outlandish statements [ existence of consciousness transfer technology] viable.